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McWilliams Academy is an accredited Academy with different organizations Internationally. The aim of having more and different accreditation organizations is to make all the possibilities that all of our Secular and Non-secular courses are accredited.

McWilliams Academy is accred
ited by:

1. Great Commission Theological Institute Accreditation (GCTIA).

Great Commission Theological Institute Accreditation is one of the largest, non-government accrediting groups in the world. GCTIA is a non-profit theological college committed to academic excellence, intellectual freedom, ethical conduct, and moral integrity.

GCTIA was chartered as a charitable corporation in the State of South Africa to help establish, support, maintain, and promote the development of the non-traditional, modular, and private tutoring/mentoring methods on-campus, and audio/video-taped, online, and other distance learning methods off-campus.

2. International Commission for Education Accreditation Seminary (ICFEAS)

The International Commission for Education Accreditation Seminary (ICFEAS) is one of the largest accreditation agencies worldwide and currently accredits Christian Universities, Theological Seminaries, and Biblical Schools in every Nation.


3. Christian Accreditation Council and Standards Commission (CACSCOM)

Christian Accreditation Council and Standards Commission (CACSCOM) is one of the international higher education accrediting bodies in Africa and India. CACSCOM is a voluntary, non-profit, self-governing organization having as its primary purpose the accreditation of Christian educational institutions and Christian NGOs. Through its evaluation activities, the Commission provides public assurance about the educational quality of degree-granting institutions that seek or wish to maintain accreditation.




4.  International Education Quality Accreditation Body (IEQAB). 


​ International Education Quality Accreditation Body is a private International Accreditation organization that coordinates accreditation activities across the globe.


IEQAB is recognized and Accredited by ITQSM, WAC, BQS, QAHE (IAQAHE), EIEAS, GCTIA, and so on. IEQAB plays a significant role in that an educational institution maintains a certain level of educational standards. Ideally, IEQAB focuses on the many areas of Modern educational management scopes and functions whether the concerned institute ensures these or not.



5. The International Education Accreditation (IEDACC)


The International Education Accreditation was established to foster a generation of leaders through modern practices.


The International Education Accreditation has been striving to achieve this very goal by boosting interaction and connection between students, world leaders, and educators. Keeping this goal in mind, the leaders at IEDACC have created a team of professional educators, experts, and world leaders who work together and provide quality assurance to educational institutes worldwide.


Christian Accreditation Council and Standards Commission
International Commission for Education Accreditation Seminary
Great Commission Theological Institute Accreditation
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